Monday, March 8, 2010

We are having a baby......


Jack and Hannah are very excited (we all are).

Now that we know the gender we can cut down the search for a name in half. Or at least a third (in case we wanted to use those names that can go both ways - like Pat, Francis, Tracy, etc).

While Mindy and I have our own ideas for names, Jack has made his contributions as well. He has narrowed down all the names to two.
  1. Jack
  2. Mister baby
I think Mister Baby is a good name, especially since we already have a Jack and do not want to cause confusion. So until a more suitable name is found, Mister Baby will do.


Big Momma said...

YEAH!!!!!! I love babies!!! I love boys!!!! I love all of YOUS!!!

Emily said...

Yahoo!!!!! It is also good to know that mom loves boys. I'm very 'cited for yous guys!

bEN said...

Mom loved a boy at least four times I can think of.